Hello again, i just wanted to say i had a pretty good weekend and stayed very avtive. I ate healthy and had good meals for every meal of the day. In this post i just wanted to talk about National Fitness and what our country sets for standards of a healthy life and a healthy body. Im gonna talk about two main topics; National Nutrional Guidlines and What our country has been doing toward daily exercise and fitness.
To start i think the majority of the country's population is unhealthy. People just dont care or they just dont think about the reprecutions of an unhealthy diet of saturated fats, enourmous amounts of sodium, and not enough intake of important nutrients such as protiens, fiber and potassium. To keep the nation atleast moteratley in shape and healthy the USDA or the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture set guidlines to what a daily intake of nutrients, vitamins and minerals should be. Here is a link to show what your meals should look like and they should be portioned:
This image shows how you different food groups should coincide during a healthy meal. It might look a little similar to the one they might have shown you when you were in elementary school...
So this is the "food pyramid" it shows how much daily intake you should have of each major food group and how the realte in importance. The person walking up the steps on the left of the pyramid is to symbolize that a healthy life isn't just aquired by eating healthy but also exercising daily.
Along with healthy eating comes exercise. Exercise is very important to a healthy life. It helps you burn unwanted fat, and to gain a healthier mind and body. People around the world also neglect daily exercise on a regular basis, but are coming to acknowledge the importance of it. To help people understand the imortance of exercise the U.S. has created guidline for children to become active and forfill a healthy and active lifestyle. The link below is to the National Institutes of Health, and it talks about what daily physical activities are and how to keep you cild fit and healthy.
http://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/Exercise_and_Physical_Activity.cfm. According to this website everyone 18 and under should be getting atleast one hour everday of fitness. From what i have experienced in my life I think that kids are getting there daily exercise in all the time. This is good news it means we can make a change on how our country is veiwed and how our lives can be shaped into more healthy eating, daily exercising people.
Here is a chart that i used to get an idea of what a daily calorie intake should consist of...
This past weekend I went camping. I had alot of fun and did some very fun active activities. We did a little bit of kayaking which was really fun causse we were the only one on the lake! Then we spent the rest of the day playing ultimate frisby. We had a nice dinner or chicken potatos and corn. We then had a bonfire until about midnight, it was really fun. I hope i get to do that again soon.
Today in personal fitness we did a workout called "best 400." Best 400 requires you to do 4 laps with breaks inbetween each lap and record you times. My times were 1:57, 2:03, 2:10, and 2:07. It was a really fun workout and i actually cant wait to do it again so i can see my improvement...