Thursday, October 27, 2011

5K Race Training and Planning

So i am planning to run a 5k run  in shrewsbury MA, on Nov. 16th. I decided that a goal would be a good thing right now. I need something i can practice and train for. The race is a 5k run, through shrewsbury. The race is a charity event for remembering veterans. I am probably going to invite my dad, becuase he hasn't seen my improvment yet.

here is a link to the race and map to show the 5k loop:
Race info:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thruster 5x5

Hey, i wanted to just talk a little about a workout i am doing soon. The workout is a power lifting exercise called a thruster. It is basically a front squat into a push-press. I'm anxious, because i don't really know what i can do for weight on this workout, I'm gonna shoot for 95, and then go from there. I also will prob hold back a little bit; i tweaked my knee yesterday skateboarding.

Here is an example of a thruster:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Height and Weight

hey just wanted to update my height and weight:

-Weight: 223.8
-Height: 73 7/8

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pet Rock

I love this W.O.D., it is the most challenging workout i have done in a while. It is a partner workout so you need two people to do the w.o.d. To do this workout, one person holds a 45lb plate, your "pet rock,"and the other person goes through a set of different exercises. Each person does 3 rounds of holding the plate, and doing the set exercises. The set exercises are Sit-ups, box jumps, wall balls, jump ropes, and walking lunges. You have to do 50 reps of each workout. Me and my partners time was 40:41, so not bad, we finished 3rd to last with about 10 groups. It was a fun workout and I'm looking forward to doing it again.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

5k Run

Yesterday in personal fitness the W.O.D. or workout of the day was just a simple yet challenging workout, a 5k. A 5k is a 3.1 run for time. We had under 36 min to complete it. My time running the 5k was 31:28min for the hole thing. My goal by the end of the year is to get that around 20min; i want to beat my dad's time.

Yesterday i had a turkey/roast beef sandwich with milk and water to drink. For dinner i had a small cheese steak from Grafton Pizza, with water to drink. I can't help but having one of those steak and cheese subs every once and a while. My weigh in for this week: Weight-223.4lbs Height-73.5in.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Bencher's Delight

            Today in personal fitness we did a workout called Bencher's Delight, for all those tough guys who think they are good at benching. This workout is insane. The workout requires you to do 21 reps of benching, 21 burpees, 15 reps of benching, 15 burpees, and then 9 res of benching, and 9 reps of burpees. You can use any weight, all though you should stay under 115lbs. This hole thing is timed, my time was 8:46. Not bad, could be a little better.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My food Intake

            So yesterday for dinner i had a chopped chicken ceaser salad at Apple Bee's. For breakfast i had nothing....yet, and a medium coffee at Dunkin' Donuts. For lunch I'm gonna try and eat healthy with a sandwich, and for dinner I'm gonna try and make a salad with salmon on top...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Food Intake

            So i am going to start posting on my blog everything i eat and consume. I am going to start with what i ate on Sunday. For breakfast i had a piece of toast and butter, then orange juice. I had a bowl of ramen noodles with water for lunch and then for dinner i had a burger at the restaurant "not you average Joe's," in Westboro on route 9, for those of you who actually know where route 9 is. The burger was probably the greatest thing i have ever gotten at a chain restaurant. It was called the Blue burger, and had blue cheese, caramelized onions, and arugula on a roll. It was so good.

            Well for breakfast today i had a "cliff bar" which is just an organic protein bar and an energy drink. I will never ever have an energy drink again, it was literally the grossest thing i have ever drank.  For lunch i hada roast beef sandwich and a chocolate milk.

W.O.D. Grizzly+Running

            So today in my personal fitness class we did a workout, a particularly hard one, called grizzly. In this workout grizzly you must do 4 rounds of core and lower body exercises for time. So bassically you start the workout out with a 400m run, or once around the track, then you do 20m of walking lunges. After the walking lunges and running you go into what i find the hardest and most challenging part of the workout, the sit-ups, bear crawl, and then sit-ups again. When doing the sit-ups we are supposed to do 25. After the sit-ups we did a 20m bear crawl, and then one last set of sit-ups. You do 4 rounds of this for time! It is a really challenging workout and one of my least favorites because it feels like its never gonna end. But i finished with a time of 21:46.

            After that personal fitness class i had another one with the same scheduled workout. Instead of reapeating that diabolical "grizzly" workout i just did, i just did a mile and a half for time. My time on that was a solid 16:11, i was focusing on my breathing and pace. I think i did pretty good, but i am definately looking forward to smoking that time in the future.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Walking vs. Running Weight Loss

           Does running burn more calories than walking? The answer is there is no difference, it all depends on how far and how fast you run or walk. A study shows that a runner jogging at 5mph for one mile and a walker walking at 5mph for a mile burn almost the same amount of calories, within 2 calories of 116 calories burned. In another study  they recorded the MET or metabolic equivalents of various activities ranks each activity by calories per kilogram per hour. Just sitting burns 1 MET, if you are 150lbs that's 68 calories every hour. When they tested whether or not you burn more calories by running than walking they found that no matter how you test it, the information you gather is invalid, because there is another variable. How far or how long you run/ walk. So if you want to loose weight just plan a nice long run or walk and it all comes down to preference really.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Presidential Fitness Test

          Hey just wanted to talk about the presidential fitness test, which is just a set guideline that the president thinks all grade-school kids should be able to achieve. So there is a few different work-outs that the president requires you to do. There is a mile run, sit-ups, sit and reach, pull ups, and shuttle run. As the week goes by, i will post what the workout is and what you have to do to succeed in the workouts. The only workout i have done so far is the Mile run. I ran a mile  mid-week last week, and ran it around 10:28. After that mile i ran the presidential fitness mile a week or so later and ran it in 9:17! Since i have two classes that i have to run the presidential fitness mile i ran it again this morning, and i ran the mile in 8:59. I dropped around 1:30 in a week of running.
          I also measured my height and weight again, i am 221.6lbs, and 73 3/8in tall. I am gonna keep on pushing and keep on trying my best....

         Hey and check out this youtube vid i found the other day of some guy kite boarding and it went terribly wrong....its really scary yet sorta funny too.